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//Offshore: VALEMO performs blade audits on fixed-bottom wind turbines in the North Sea

VALEMO exports its skills to perform blade audits on several offshore wind farms in the North Sea, beyond the German and Belgian coasts.

During these large-scale campaigns to cover the inspection of dozens of machines, our technicians carry out data acquisition on site using a high-performance camera associated with a 600 mm lens, mounted on a computer-controlled motorized head, a technology from the French company CORNIS, which allows us to obtain around 100 HD images for each blade audited.

Thanks to the Artificial Intelligence developed by CORNIS, the digitally reconstructed blade and defects are automatically detected before being analyzed by qualified experts. As a result of this collaboration, VALEMO has gained new experiences in offshore operations in autonomy , on fleets more or less distant from the coast, and with recent offshore turbine models enabling the technology to be explored on large-diameter rotors.


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