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France’s offshore wind energy industry is booming!

As mentioned in the latest edition of the report by the Observatoire des énergies de la mer, it is gratifying to note that the commitments made in the Offshore Wind Pact are being implemented at a promising pace, with 8,301 jobs already created by the end of 2023, out of the 20,000 expected by 2035. This leap forward bears witness to the change in scale that is currently taking place, with an increase in the number of offshore wind farm construction sites.

OEM report:

It would appear that the offshore wind industry currently represents colossal investment, in excess of €3.3 billion. This investment momentum underlines not only the competitiveness of the French industry, but also its ability to capture a significant share of this business on export markets. At the same time, sales have risen sharply to €3.5 billion.

The “la mer en débat” public debate, launched in 2023, is aimed at concerted planning to achieve the ambitious target of 45 GW. It is now clear that the French offshore energy industry can make a significant contribution to diversifying the energy mix, balancing price competitiveness with local benefits for local communities.

Through the various contracts it has won (for the balance of plant at the St-Brieux wind farm with RES, maintenance of the foundations at the Provence Grand Large wind farm with Spie and Services Voltige, etc.), VALEMO and its partners are helping to boost the French value chain.

VALEMO’s involvement in regional industrial clusters also aims to increase the proportion of local content.

Since the dissolution of the National Assembly, VALEMO has been working to defend the industry, pointing out in particular that if a moratorium were imposed, the consequences for employment and the economy would be disastrous. Offshore wind farms alone are expected to create 20,000 jobs by 2035. What’s more, wind farms bring in substantial tax revenues for local authorities. For example, the Saint-Nazaire wind farm generates millions of euros every year for the surrounding municipalities and fishermen: €4.5 million for the 13 municipalities bordering the Saint-Nazaire wind farm and over €3.2 million for the Comité National des Pêches (National Fisheries Committee). What’s more, renewable energies are highly competitive. What’s more, renewable energies are highly competitive.

The Seanergy trade fair, held in Nantes from 26 to 28 June, was also an opportunity for VALEMO to talk to industry players on its stand. Aurélie Klein, EmR Project Manager, who took part in the round table discussion on “Offshore Wind à la Française”, shared VALEMO’s perspectives on the offshore sector. In particular, she spoke about :

  • The importance of training teams of offshore technicians throughout the value chain
  • A probable slowdown in the French market between the construction of wind farms under the 2nd and subsequent calls for tender (Dunkirk, Centre Manche 1, Southern Brittany, etc.).
  • The need to maintain a foothold in the markets linked to the first French offshore wind farms and to position itself on export markets in order to maintain the skills developed since the construction of the wind farms in the 1st tender.

During this round table, the various speakers also returned to the issue of changing the criteria for invitations to tender, so as to enable offshore wind energy to strengthen Franco-European industrial sovereignty, in particular by reducing the importance of the price criterion.

Also worth noting is the publication of the Commission Nationale du Débat Public’s report “La Mer en Débat” (The Sea in Debate), in which VALEMO took part, in particular by means of a player’s booklet.

Lessons from the debate | CNDP (

These are strange times for the French offshore wind industry: more than 8,300 jobs have been created, planning is underway to commission 18GW by 2035 and 45GW by 2050, a national consultation has just been completed, and MWh costs are increasingly competitive… so many arguments in favour of perpetuating activities that contribute to our energy and industrial sovereignty, which could be called into question during the next PPE if political will were to falter… We remain fully mobilised.


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