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Work-study programs at VALEMO

At the heart of our commitment to professional development and training, VALEMO currently welcomes eight alternating students within the company.

Our trainees are involved in various fields, ranging from technical maintenance, operational management, security, and the challenges of computer network engineering.

Work-study students embody the promising future we envision, contributing not only to their own professional growth, but also to the continued enrichment of our team and the company as a whole.

Discover the point of view of Blandine, alternating for 1 year and a half at VALEMO as a PV and wind operating technician:

  • – Can you briefly describe your academic background and how it relates to your current alternating role?

I started with a Bachelor’s degree in Physics Astrophysics Chemistry Meteorology Energy and then I continued in alternation at VALEMO with a professional degree in Science and Technology of Renewable Energies – Electrical System. My background was enriched with a Master in Energy, specializing in network management and renewable energies, oriented towards various fields such as photovoltaic, wind, hydrogen and storage that perfectly relates to VALEMO.

  • – How would you describe the work environment at VALEMO from the point of view of a work-study student

The friendly atmosphere and varied missions, especially in the fields of wind and photovoltaics, perfectly completed my academic career focused on renewable energies.

  • – What professional skills did you develop during your alternance at VALEMO?

This immersion allowed me to develop organizational skills, strengthen my teamwork, and improve my skills in writing professional reports and emails.

  • – How does your alternation at VALEMO contribute to your long-term professional project?

Working in a multi-energy company allows me to explore different facets of renewable energy. I had the opportunity to go into the field to observe the maintenance, enriching my practical understanding of the sector.

  • – Do you have any advice or recommendations for other students considering joining VALEMO as an alternating student?

For students considering joining VALEMO as an alternate, I recommend actively following the company’s LinkedIn, scrutinizing job offers and participating in relevant fairs such as Energaïa. These steps are important to stay informed of opportunities and fully integrate into the dynamism of VALEMO, committed to renewable energies.


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