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Focus: vibration analysis of wind turbines

A wind turbine is a rotating machine whose rotation is ensured by mechanical elements found throughout the kinematic chain (see illustration below) : main bearing of the low speed shaft, bearings and gears of the gearbox, bearings of the generator.


Blade fault analysis: 10 years of expertise on 50 wind turbines

In the summer of 2024, our technical audit experts carried out an in-depth study of blade defects identified on a fleet of 10 wind farm projects comprising a total of 50 wind turbines. To carry out this study, a tool was developed
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Cybersecurity at the heart of the supervision center’s concerns.

With the increasing digitalization of critical infrastructures and the multiplication of players as well as data needs, particularly in the energy sector, cyber security stands out as top priority.The implementation of the European directive NIS2 (Network and Information Systems Directive 2), aimed
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VALEMO operates the wind farm with the largest blades in France!

Last June, VALEMO took over operation of the first citizen-owned wind farm in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region to feature the largest blades in France. The Andilly-Les-Marais wind farm (PEAM), launched in 2017 by the municipality and supported by the ANE!rs17 association and the
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