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HV Maintenance:digitalisation of tools and process automation

In 2020, VALEMO managed the maintenance and high-voltage on-call management of around one hundred delivery substations, and as many transformer substations for numerous customers.
As part of the continuous improvement that we are striving to develop, we have digitised our maintenance processes and work with the ERMEO tool. This tool has the advantage of optimising our reporting times and improving the monitoring of installations.

Our teams have carried out the high voltage preventive maintenance with the help of their mobile application, following the adaptation of our paper supports on the ERMEO platform. This change in operation allows us to save a considerable amount of time on reporting: the reports are available to our customers as soon as the intervention is completed, are consistent with each other and delivery times to our customers are guaranteed. This solution also offers greater comfort to the technical teams, who no longer need to catch up on any administrative delays in the office for report writing, and can concentrate on operational missions.

The digitalisation of the reports has prompted the VALEMO teams to reflect on the database behind these forms. This database allows a more efficient follow-up of non-conformities that are detected during maintenance operations. Eventually, the database currently hosted by ERMEO will be repatriated to VALEMO’s Data Lake in order to integrate the monitoring of equipment with our own tools.

In 2021, the objective is to finalise the deployment of the inspection forms of the wind turbines in operation in order to carry out our next spring inspections from the mobile application, and to build the associated database. The second objective for the end of 2021 will be to deploy this solution on our maintenance assets (photovoltaic and hydroelectric power plants in particular).


Key account managers in Operations

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Commissioning of a first IP teleaction line

VALEMO is helping you to change your teleaction equipment (at PdL and Poste Source) so that it complies with the new communication protocol introduced by ENEDIS and Orange. These steps are being taken in the context of the end of Orange’s maintenance
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France’s offshore wind energy industry is booming!

As mentioned in the latest edition of the report by the Observatoire des énergies de la mer, it is gratifying to note that the commitments made in the Offshore Wind Pact are being implemented at a promising pace, with 8,301 jobs already
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