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Commissioning of measuring buoys for Star of the South, Australia’s first offshore wind farm.

VALEMO, via its partner AKROCEAN, is engaged with Star of the South (SOTS) for the supply of wind and meteo-oceanic data. The data will be collected for two years thanks to the installation of two LiDARs on stabilized and autonomous renewable energy floats supplied by GEPS TECHNO. The data collected will allow the technical and economic dimensioning of the future offshore wind farm, located in the South East of Melbourne. Led by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, SOTS plans to be one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world with its 250 wind turbines and a power of 2GW.

VALEMO ensures the management, collection and quality of the data, and the analysis of the installations operation from France and by relying on TEK OCEAN, its local partner for on-site interventions.

The measurement campaign has been launched since last November with two buoys equipped with LiDAR and a wave buoy deployed in the area.

Our dedicated team has contributed to the achievement of this project by spending nearly a month on site for the reception, assembly and commissioning of the buoys before their installation at sea.


Key account managers in Operations

The Operations department has changed its organisation by creating a new role of Key account Manager. This role is responsible for a number of key tasks: Managing cross-functional or shared issues: The Key Account manager coordinates and supervises activities that apply to
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PV training and exercise on HV consignment at VALEMO

High Voltage consignment exercise, a voluntary approach supported by VALEMO to practice in real conditions For several years now, VALEMO has been organising real-life manoeuvring exercises on high-voltage cubicles before training maintenance teams in high-voltage consignment. These exercises, carried out in the
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Commissioning of a first IP teleaction line

VALEMO is helping you to change your teleaction equipment (at PdL and Poste Source) so that it complies with the new communication protocol introduced by ENEDIS and Orange. These steps are being taken in the context of the end of Orange’s maintenance
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