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Remote control center: VALEMO structures its supervisory activity

To celebrate the new year, the remote centre is getting a makeover! Indeed, it is now two workstations dedicated to this process.

While first one will be focused on wind farms (our historical activity), second one will allow a dedicated supervision on photovoltaic farms, hydro-electric plants and marine renewable sites. Those assets requiring to take a step back to finely analyse situations.

With a third technician hired, remote control center will be operated in 2020 as follow:

Work station (wind assets)2 technicians in 2x 8-hour shifts from 07:00 am to 10:00 pmA 24/7 telephone hotline
Work station (solar / hydro / MRE assets)1 technician from 09:00 am to 05:00 pmA 24/7 telephone hotline

VALEMO’s remote control center supervise:

  • 600 MW wind farms;
  • 62 MW photovoltaic farms;
  • 300 kW hydro-electric plants;
  • 3 marine renewable sites.


Key account managers in Operations

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PV training and exercise on HV consignment at VALEMO

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Commissioning of a first IP teleaction line

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